International Dhammadayada Ordination Program (IDOP12)
Join the International Monk Ordination Training Program with International Dhammadaya Ordination Program April 5th - May 4th, 2014 and July 6th - August 4th, 2014
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Having done good deeds in one's past (4)
The 38 Ways to Happiness The Second Group of Blessings Blessing Five - Having done good deeds in one's past
Aloha, Madam. Pele And The Cursed Stones
Hawaiians believe that Madame Pele cursed the people who took lava stones from the Big Island back home, but many tourists don’t know it, so they take them away and after that they will become seriously sick or face business problems.
Kathina Resolution
I pay homage to the Buddha, the Dhamma, the Sangha, and the great teachers who have imparted upon me the Dhammakaya Knowledge.
A Meditation Guide
Start by sitting in a relaxed half-lotus position by placing your right leg on your left leg, your right hand on your left hand
Introduction to Meditation at New York University
The Buddhist Council of New York invites the Dhammakaya International Meditation Center of New Jersey (D.I.M.C.N.J) to give an introduction to meditation.